Child Neurology and Rehabilitation Unit, IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Milano
Child Neurology and Rehabilitation Unit, IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Milano.
Graduated in medicine and surgery in 1976
Specialization in neurology in 1980
Specialzzazione in physical medicine and rehabilitation in 1984.
University degree in “Infirmitée motrice cérébrale et by polyhandicap” at the Paris XI-Universitée Facultée de Paris Sud Medicine in 2000
From 1993 to May 31, 2013 doctor in charge of the scientific and technical center of rehabilitation of children Don Calabria Institute of Milan.
From June 1, 2013 head of medical rehabilitation of children and adolescents in the center of the Don Gnocchi Foundation Vismara of Milan
Since 1994 to 2013 earned diplomas:
1994-98 ICELP (International Center for Enhancement of Learning Potential) – Gerusalemme
Diploma Feuerstein di LPAD I e II livello e PAS III livello
2000 Universitée Paris XI – Faculté de Medicine Paris Sud
Diploma Universitario in “Infirmitée motrice cérébrale et polyhandicap”
2002 ICELP (International Center for Enhancement of Learning Potential) – Olanda
Diploma Feuerstein LPAD BASIC
2004 Benedetta d’intino Centre 2004 – Milan
Training in augmentative and alternative communication
2005 ICELP (International Center for Enhancement of Learning Potential)-Paris
Feuerstein PAS BASIC Diploma
2006 ICELP (International Center for Enhancement of Learning Potential)-Paris
Feuerstein PAS tactile diploma
2012 Milan Bicocca University – advanced course in anthropology of migration
-Participation in numerous conferences in the neurophysiological, neuropediatrico, and neuropsychological rehabilitation with particular regard to disabling diseases in children, as well as a speaker and in refresher courses and professional qualifications.
-Scientific publications: 27 jobs
• November 1977-September 1979 Assistant at the Holy Family Institute in Cesano Boscone
• October 1979-July 1996 collaboration with qualification of Physiatrist and neurologist with STARS (Study Association and rehabilitation therapy) directed by Cecilia Morosini, Università degli Studi di Milano-Professor of physical therapy and rehabilitation
• October 1980-September 1981 neurologist at the territorial Service of Infantile USSL 14 di Merate (CO)
• January 1988-September 1988 Physiatrist consultant at the rehabilitation center of the USSL West of the autonomous province of Bolzano
• September 1990-April 2001 physician acts as medical director of rehabilitation service developmental Don Calabria Institute of Milan, accredited to the Lombardy region (ex. Art. 26)
• May 2001 – present: head of II level of rehabilitation service of the children of Don Calabria Institute of Milan, accredited to the Lombardy region
• years 2001-2002: collaboration with the Fondazione Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani Foundation for Child Neurology to a cooperation project with the region of Saranda, Albania, aimed at developing rehabilitation assistance to children and the training of health personnel and families, education for care and social inclusion in the local reality of the child with debilitating diseases.
• academic year 2002-2003, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 adjunct professor of integrative course “Aids and prostheses in cerebral palsy” in teaching of Neuropsychiatry at the degree course in Neuro and Psychomotor therapy of children-Università degli studi di Pavia-Dipartimento di scienze neurologiche-Fondazione Istituto Neurologico C Malhotra
• academic year 2002-03, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006. 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 lecturer at the postgraduate course in transcultural psychotherapy in General psychopathology and developmental Cecchini Peace Foundation-Milan-recognized by the University of Milan
• year 2006: consultant at the medical technical School in Canton Ticino – Switzerland – for a pilot project of placing a group of young adults with disabilities in a three-year course to help massage therapist.
• 2008 year-11: consultant for the Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani Foundation for Child Neurology in a cooperation project with Syria for the training of rehabilitation of children and adolescents (physiatrists, orthopedic technicians and therapists) to develop a rehabilitation service of childhood on the outskirts of Damascus.
• year 2012-2013: scientific coordinator of an international cooperation project (School for Children Association and the Catholic University of Milan) in favour of children with disabilities in Andra Pradesh – India.
Gait Initiation in Children with Rett Syndrome.