Have you filled the Personal Data Registration Form?
If not yet, please return to this page and complete it with the registration information. You’ll be assigned an ID. If the registration form has been submitted successfully, you’ll be receiving an email. Otherwise, please submit again. Registration will be only confirmed only upon receipt of the payment. Should you settle your fee by bank transfer,please be so kind as to provide a copy of it by fax at 0459239904.

Attention: the abstract must be edited in English on one page only, Arial font 12, with a maximum of 250 words and 2 bibliographic references. Please remember to include First/presenting Author, co-authors and affiliations.

All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee and may be accepted for oral or poster presentation. The Scientific Committee will endeavour to schedule abstracts according to the congress topics and authors’ preferences, but reserves the right to make the final decision.

The abstract must be uploaded following the instructions on the link below:

physician registerabstract form