Scientific Committee 4th European Congress on Rett Syndrome

Veneselli Edvige

Veneselli Edvige

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IRCCS Istituto G. Gaslini, Genoa with expertise in Neurology, Psychiatry, Pediatrics

Ben-Zeev Bruria

Ben-Zeev Bruria

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Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurology – Children’s Hospital “Safra”

Sarojini Budden

Sarojini Budden

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Pediatrics, Providence Neurodevelopmental Center, Portland



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CNR Researcher Institute of Genetics and Biophysics - ABT, Napoli

Fabio Rosa Angela

Fabio Rosa Angela

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Full Professor of Experimental Psychology at the Department of Cognitive Science of the University of Messina

Pizzorusso Tommaso

Pizzorusso Tommaso

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Neuroscience, Psychiatry & Psychology, Physiology, University of Florence

Lotan Meir

Lotan Meir

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Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Ariel University, Israel

Renieri Alessandra

Renieri Alessandra

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Head of Medical Genetics Laboratory University of Siena

Clarke Angus

Clarke Angus

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Clinical Professor Institute of Medical Genetics Building, Cardiff

Rodocanachi Marina

Rodocanachi Marina

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Child Neurology and Rehabilitation Unit, IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Milano

Villard Laurent

Villard Laurent

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PhD - Laboratory of Human Neurogenetics Marseille, France

Vigevano Federico

Vigevano Federico

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Head of Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Department Bambino Gesù Hospital Rome


Taruscio Domenica

Taruscio Domenica

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Director of Italian National Centre for Rare Diseases, Italy

Landsberger Nicoletta

Landsberger Nicoletta

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Supervisor of the San Raffaele Rett Research Center at the Division of Neuroscience

Garattini Silvio

Garattini Silvio

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Director of IRCCS Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri

Cefalo Graziella Silvia

Cefalo Graziella Silvia

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Pediatric Oncology Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan

Cosentino Alessandro

Cosentino Alessandro

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Cognitive Rehabilitation Don Calabria Institute, Verona

Mancardi Maria Margherita

Mancardi Maria Margherita

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Pediatrics, Istituto "Giannina Gaslini", Genoa.

Mari Francesca

Mari Francesca

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Medical Genetics - Department of Molecular Genetics University of Siena

Russo Silvia

Russo Silvia

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Genetics, Molecular Biology, I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Auxologico Italiano

Rimini Alessandro

Rimini Alessandro

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Department of Cardiology, IRCCS Istituto G. Gaslini, Genoa

Canevini Maria Paola

Canevini Maria Paola

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Neurology, Sleep Medicine Ospedale San Paolo University Hospital, Milan

Giannatiempo Samantha

Giannatiempo Samantha

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Psychology and Pedagogy Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

Ciani Elisabetta

Ciani Elisabetta

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Department Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences, University of Bologna

Chiarini Testa Beatrice

Chiarini Testa Beatrice

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Pediatric Pulmonology, Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome

Cusmai Raffaella

Cusmai Raffaella

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Paediatric Neurosurgery, Università Cattolica, Rome

Coluccini Michele

Coluccini Michele

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Kinesiology and Rehabilitation at IRCCS Stella Maris, Pisa

Vignoli Aglaia

Vignoli Aglaia

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Neurology, Pediatrics, Sleep Medicine Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo

Biondi Damiano

Biondi Damiano

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Psychologist Psychotherapist, Opera don Calabria Roma

Hayek Joussef

Hayek Joussef

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Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital AOUS of Siena

Giustetto Maurizio

Giustetto Maurizio

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University of Torino and National Institute of Neuroscience-Italy


Glaze Daniel

Glaze Daniel

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Medical Director, The Children's Sleep Center - Texas Children's Hospital

Armstrong Judith

Armstrong Judith

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Cell Biology, Genetics, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona

Ballas Nurit

Ballas Nurit

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Research Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook

Cobb Stuart

Cobb Stuart

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Lab head and Reader in Neuropharmacology, University of Glasgow

Djukic Aleksandra

Djukic Aleksandra

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Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Bronx

Green Michael

Green Michael

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Professor Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Mancini Josette

Mancini Josette

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Neuropediatric Unit Pediatric Universitary Hospital La Timone

Kaufmann Walter

Kaufmann Walter

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Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School Boston

Wilken Bernd

Wilken Bernd

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Neuropediatrics Klinikum Kassel, Cassel, Hesse, Germany

Kendrick Adrian

Kendrick Adrian

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Department of Respiratory Medicine, University Hospitals, Bristol

Heidenreich Matthias

Heidenreich Matthias

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Postdoctoral Fellow at Broad Institute, Massachusetts

Harrison Wren Gabel

Harrison Wren Gabel

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Professor of Neurobiology Harvard Medical School, Boston

Huppke Peter

Huppke Peter

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Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology Georg August University

Rothenbuhler Anya

Rothenbuhler Anya

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Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Bicêtre Hospital, Paris

Leonard Helen Margaret

Leonard Helen Margaret

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Professor at Centre for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia

Pineda Mercedes Marfa

Pineda Mercedes Marfa

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Department of Pediatric Neurology, Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu, Barcellona

Nissenkor Andreea

Nissenkor Andreea

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Pediatric Neurologist at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel

Nguyen Gérard

Nguyen Gérard

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Member of French Rett Syndrome Association